Family Law
Over 30 years of experience helping families.

Addressing hundreds of custody actions for our clients, and remaining current on changes in the law, allows us to address all the various custody situations that may arise for you.
When addressing a custody dispute between parents, or in situations involving third parties, such as grandparents, our extensive involvement in a wide array of these cases with diverse factual circumstances and varying needs for the children involved allows us to give each and every case an individual approach. Whether it involves the need to pursue lengthy and involved litigation through the Courts, negotiating an amicable resolution of the case putting the children’s best interest at the forefront of the case, or any variety of the many ways to resolve a custody action, Griffie & Associates’ attorneys have experienced these various situations, allowing us to help every client through these difficult times. Having handled hundreds of custody cases allows for us to view each case on its own merits and provide detailed advice and guidance.
As in most areas of family law, through our many years of handling these cases, we are able to assist our clients in deciding the correct approach for each individual case. By having this experience, including detailed litigation and appellate experience, we can help our clients to resolve the most contentious custody matters to the client’s best interest, and, therefore, their children’s best interest, while helping to avoid as much emotional turmoil as possible.

When representing a client in a divorce proceeding, our experience allows us to represent clients from diverse backgrounds and with varying factual circumstances.
Through our many years of handling these cases in very diverse settings, we can distinguish the difference in cases to help every client decide the correct approach for each individual case. This assists the client in getting the case resolved to the client’s and their family’s best interests, while preserving financial, emotional and family assets for our clients and our clients’ families’ futures.

Marital Settlement Agreements
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We pride ourselves in handling adoptions that finalize and legalize relationships between children and step-parents or other adults serving as parents of a child or children in situations of mixed family or other situations.
Adoption proceedings are commonly very direct and straight-forward proceedings, and can range from adoptions handled by agencies or private adoptions such as step-parent adoptions. We understand the law and the procedures that must be followed in any adoption.
The attorneys at Griffie & Associates, P.C. routinely handle adoptions in all circumstances where all parties are committed to completing the adoption, whether this is the adoption of a child through an agency or privately such as an adoption by a step-parent. Our attorneys have also been involved in many contested adoptions where the intent is to terminate one parent’s rights in order to allow an adoption to occur. As with all areas of family or domestic law, having this experience assists our clients in making the correct decision on how to best proceed for all involved.
In most cases, the adoption is a very positive and rewarding experience for all concerned and it is the intention of Griffie & Associates, P.C. to assist in maintaining that atmosphere throughout
the adoption process.